The success of a winery is determined not by the vines or the grapes, but by the people who tend to them and the people for whom they are tended.
Summer 2023 | Optio Vineyards | Paso Robles, Ca
Thank you for your interest in our videography services for your winery & vineyard. As we have personally watched Optio Vineyards make itself known in the Paso Robles wine scene, we have been eager to learn about your story. We’re thrilled to be considered for this opportunity to share more of your heart, purpose, and intentions for the vineyard and winery.
We understand the importance of having authentic, custom video footage that shows the real workings at Optio. We know and wholly believe that the experience your patrons will have depends on your story, which means your video needs to tell that story in its full depth. You want to put your best foot forward and show off what years of hard work can accomplish - we love that!
Dear Optio Vineyards Team,
Elevatd Media Proposal
|| up to 16 hours of photography & videography coverage ||
Videography includes:
- four 4-hour sessions to be split between two shoot days
- 1 videographer
- aerial coverage (weather/location permitting)
- 1-minute edited, captioned video of the entire system (from “plant to pack”)
- simple graphics as needed
- digital delivery
Photography includes:
- four 4-hour sessions to be split between two shoot days
(shot at the same time as videography)
- 1 photographer
- 25 high-res photos (combo of indoors, outdoors, day and night)
- digital delivery of high-quality, professionally-edited images
Everything you need to tell the BetterPick + BetterPack story in one, comprehensive media team.
Total estimate: $6,500.00
“Christina & Patrick didn’t just tell the story of our product - they created a timeless media gallery that strengthens our brand. We can confidently show their work to any potential customers or investors and know that they’re seeing all we have to offer. Trusting someone with your company and life’s work can be daunting, but the Elevatd Media team made it easy - best decision ever!”